As I have announced a few days ago,
last night we had Craig West, the bass player and singer of the Canadian band
Machines Dream as a guest on Prog n Roll's chatbox. We also had Eugene, the CEO
of the Irish record company Progressive Gears.
During our show, we played the interview we conducted with Craig
divided in 4 parts, mixed with songs from Black Science.
We also did a music quiz, and the winner took as prize a signed CD
copy of their new album. Not bad, eh?
Furthermore, we had the honour to play in a worldwide premiere
the song Heavy Water performed live by the band. The song was mixed just a
few days before the show, and was sent to us by Craig.
We had listeners from many different countries once more, like for
example, Canada, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Greece, Germany and
Mexico. (I am talking only for those who were active on the chatbox).
I believe that last night's show was a very good one, and as it
seemed our listeners enjoyed it a lot.
Here you can check the playlist:
1st Part: STYX: The Grand illusion / KANSAS: Point of Know Return /
WISHBONE ASH: Sometime World.
2nd Part: Interview with Craig West Pt.1 / MACHINES DREAM: Airfield on
Sunwick / DAVE KERZNER: Static / Interview Pt. 2 / MACHINES DREAM: Heavy Water
3rd Part: SUBTERRANEAN MASQUERADE: Space Oddity (music quiz) / ROGER
WATERS: Picture That / Interview Pt.3 / MACHINES DREAM: The Cannons Cry /
4rth Part: Interview Pt. 4 / MACHINES DREAM: Black Science / GENESIS:
Ripples / MACHINES DREAM: Weimar.
I would like to thank all those who chose to listen
to Prog n Roll last night, hoping that they had some nice time. A special
thanks to Craig and Eugene for everything they did, and to Stefan Hepe for
making it happen. Also, I want to congratulate Ben Bell for winning the music
quiz, therefore the signed CD. Enjoy it Ben!
Prog n roll will be on air again on Sunday the 29th of October, and this
time our show will be including the Listener's Happy Hour; where we are going
to play songs requested by our listeners.
Till then, take care!
Thank you!